Construct a geometrical model

This example shows how to construct a geometrical model using either user defined parameters or the results from a fitting file.

Import Required Modules

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from sunpy.coordinates import frames

from import json_fitting_file_sample_data
from PyThea.geometrical_models import ellipsoid
from PyThea.utils import model_fittings

User defined ellipsoid

You can create the a geometrical model manualy by providing an observation time, the ellipsoid center coordinates, and the geomertical parameters and use the ellipsoid class from PyThea’s geometrical_models.

obstime = '2021-10-28'

center = SkyCoord(90*, 0*, 1*u.R_sun, obstime=obstime,
                  observer='earth', frame=frames.HeliographicStonyhurst)

model_shock = ellipsoid(center, 1*u.R_sun, 1*u.R_sun, 1*u.R_sun, 0 *

Ellipsoid from fitting file

Instead of manualy constructing the geometrical model you can also load the model parameters from a fitting file and then construct the model using the ellipsoid class like previously shown.

Import a sample JSON fitting file using json_fitting_file_sample_data.fetch() method. This sample data contains a series of fitted ellipsoids for a selected event.

json_fitting_file = json_fitting_file_sample_data.fetch('FLX1p0D20211028T153500MEllipsoid.json')

Then use the model_fittings.load_from_json(json_fitting_file) to load the model parameters.

model_fittings_class = model_fittings.load_from_json(json_fitting_file)

Select one of the fittings and create the ellipsoid using the observation time, the ellipsoid center coordinates, and the geomertical parameters from the fitting.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.025 seconds)

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